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Hump Day Workout

Lets get lifted ladies! 
Here's my Hump Day workout. When all else seems to fail--just hit the gym.


5 min walk
1 min Sprint at 6.0 speed at 5.5 incline
2min walk
last sprint at 7.5 speed
Cool down :)

Left Star Plank (side plank and lift arm and leg to look like a star)
Right Star Plank

170 lbs 5 sets of 20 reps
last set, drop to 130 to failure

90lbs 5 sets of 12 reps
last set, drop to 70 lbs 10 reps

70lbs 4 sets of 20 reps


For a full leg torch that will leave you sore for 2 days just pick your favorite hi energy song and blast off with jump squats to the end!

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