Hope Everyone had a lovely weekend and a good start to the week. After work, I squeezed in a much needed snack and a power nap before hitting the box. Here it is Ladies Monday Nite's Crossfit WOD.
warm up/midline: 3x
2 laps
20 ab mat sit ups
strength: back squats
1) 10-8-6-4-2 working up each set
2) 3 x 10reps
kb dead lifts (70/53)
jumping air squats
plyo lunges
high knee skips
broad jumps
kb dead lifts (70/53)
jumping air squats
plyo lunges
high knee skips
broad jumps
metcon: 12-9-6 (10 min time cap)
thrusters (95/65)rx (115/75)rx+
burpee box jump overs (24/20)rx (30/24)rx+
I'm usually dying after every workout, but this one had me stumped. Hitting the metcon after plyos is no joke so pace yourself ;)