I think a solid leg workout and a big dinner will round the day out nicely. Stay tuned for more workouts and progress updates :)
Easier said than done. After 2 years on my fitness journey, I finally reached a breaking point. Yes,I had come face to face with the dreaded wall and found myself firmly stuck on a plateau and seriously questioning my motivation to carry on another day, week, year of grueling workouts. After countless hours in the gym, forcing myself to eat clean, and constantly feeling tired and sore, I was seriously wondering, "Why do I put myself through this?". I wanted to just jump to the after picture already! By this point, I was mentally exhausted, hangry and about to drop off that plateau!!I felt more and more like a hamster spinning my wheel full force to nowhere and I was ready for a break. I started to talk myself out of my workouts and summer fitness plans. I kept thinking, "Do I really give a shit if I’m ‘bikini ready’? Why should I give a damn about having a flat 6 pack??" Oh I was in deep and my mind was trying to talk me out of my all the...