Oh hell yes, its Friday and the weekend is in full effect. Let's get out, get moving, and enjoy some beautiful weather and workouts. Tomorrow will be a full day for me, let's just say I may have a new puppy by my next post :) I'll have the weekend update on Sunday, but for now check out yesterday's Back Workout.
Don't neglect the back.
Now, I don't work my back all that often, mostly because its just not as fun. Since I've left it unworked, I now feel like a weakling. Lately, I've been a fixated on building strength in my legs, biceps, chest, abs--really every other body part save for the back. However, leaving this area unworked makes it a great place to see some quick progress, break up my routine a bit, and focus more on my form. Form is critical during a back workout.
Be sure to check out bodybuilding.com to reference some of the exercises in this workout.
Grab your FREE workout and snack prep list below!
Bookmark this page to reference later, pin to your fitness board or save as your desktop background for a reminder if you need to. Keep this and other workouts handy where you will see it often along with your prepped foods and you're well on your way to living fit. Enjoy!
Oh do tell.....
What's your fav on the go healthy, no prep snack?